general faqs about adoption

what is an adoption plan?

An Adoption Plan is identified in Florida as an arrangement made by a birth parent or other individual having legal custody of a minor, born or to be born, with an Adoption Entity in furtherance of placing the minor for adoption.

Adoption Planning should be made with the best interest of the child being the paramount consideration. It should be made with consideration of the rights and responsibilities of the parties entering into the Plan. It will result in the termination of rights and responsibilities over a minor child and the assuming of these rights and responsibilities by individuals desiring such obligation.

what does all of this mean?

This means you have choices. You may choose to share information about yourself to adoptive parents, meet with adoptive parents, and they can also choose the same option. As birth parent or adoptive parent you will be able to choose what information you desire to share and you will be advised as to what information you have a right to receive. You will be required, however, to give medical and other information pertinent to the safe completion of the adoption.  You can receive information after the birth of your child including pictures and letters about your child. Your privacy will be protected if you choose not to share information other than what is required to ensure a safe adoption.

Florida Adoption Group, P.A., through their Adoption Entities, will assist you in locating a suitable Adoptive parent or help you locate a biological mother who is also looking for her ideal match in the placement of her child for adoption. An Adoption Plan with a tailored degree of openness may be prepared or your privacy will be respected and a closed or semi closed adoption can be designed for you.

What types of Adoption Plans are there?

Adoption Plans are made after careful consultation and discussion of the rights and responsibilities of all parties to the Plan. Care must be taken to address the desires and concerns of all parties to the Plan.

Adoption Plans can be made that will take into consideration desired communication between the parties. We hear the word “open adoption’” and “closed adoption”. What do they mean? An Open Adoption will allow communication of a nature agreed to by the parties. Closed adoptions take in consideration the rights of parties to develop such a plan.

what is an identified adoption?

An Identified adoption is an adoption in which a biological mother or birth parents identify a particular prospective parent to adopt the child. The process of identification is done by a selection process between the biological parents and the prospective adoptive parents. An Adoption Entity in the State of Florida will discuss with the biological parents their desires and preferences as to placement and will locate an appropriate match based upon information given to the Adoption Entity. At times biological parents have already chosen a prospective adoptive parent and they are looking for an authorized professional to put their plan into place. Such a placement is called an identified placement. This placement may be an open, semi-closed or closed adoption as the parties agree.

Open or closed adoptions?

It is important for you to consider what would be the ideal adoption plan and the amount of post adoption placement communication you desire. In most adoptions today biological parents are asking questions about prospective adoptive parents that can only be answered by the adoptive parents themselves.​

Years ago such questions were not asked nor were they encouraged. All was done in secret. But today we are happy to report that adoption has become very talked about. Adoption has become a very positive alternative for an expectant mother or parents who chose to make an adoption plan for a child they are not able to parent. Such a parent will naturally want to know and they should be able to have information about the parents who will love and raise their child. Wouldn’t you?